Economic Analysis of OOO for the Treatment of OOO in Korea
SPONSOR Global Pharmaceutical Company based in Korea
PERIOD 2023.05.15-2026.08.31
A Research on disease burden of patients with ooo in Korea
PERIOD 2022.12.28-2025.12.31
PERIOD 2021.11.26-2025.12.31
Clinical characteristics of OOO with OOO via health insurance claims data
PERIOD 2022.03.02-2025.12.31
PERIOD 2022.04.01-2025.12.31
PERIOD 2022.02.11-2025.12.31
PERIOD 2021.12.31-2025.12.31
Cost-Effectiveness Model of OOO for the Treatment of OOO in Korea
PERIOD 2022.11.10-2025.12.31
SPONSOR Korean Pharmaceutical Company
PERIOD 2021.08.10-2025.12.31
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of OOO for the Treatment of OOO
PERIOD 2022.11.10-2025.12-31