Pharmaceutical Economics,
Big Data Analysis & Policy Lab


Hae Sun Suh (서혜선)

MPharm, MA, PhD
  • Education

    1. 2009.08

      University of Southern California (Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Economics & Policy)

    2. 2006.12

      University of Southern California (M.A. in Economics)

    3. 2001.02

      이화여자대학교 대학원 약학과 (약학석사)

    4. 1999.12

      이화여자대학교 약학대학 제약학과 (약학사)

  • Career

    1. 2023-현재

      경희대학교 약학대학 약학과 교수

    2. 2021-2023

      경희대학교 약학대학 약학과 부교수

    3. 2018-2021

      부산대학교 약학대학 제약학과 부교수

    4. 2014-2018

      부산대학교 약학대학 제약학과 조교수

    5. 2013-2014

      건강보험심사평가원 심사평가연구소 부연구위원

    6. 2011-2013

      연세대학교 약학대학 약학과 연구교수

    7. 2009-2011

      한국보건의료연구원 책임연구원

    8. 2003-2004

      한국MSD 의학부 Medical Service Specialist

    9. 2001-2003

      한국MSD 의학부 Medical Service Associate

    10. Honors and Awards

    11. 2024

      Best Young Researcher Award (Graduate Student, Kyungseon Choi), 미래 규제과학 신진연구자상 대상(식품의약품안전처장상), The Minister of Food and Drug Safety in Korea

    12. 2024

      Best Presentation Award (Graduate Student, Jiyeon Lee), 30th Congress of the Federation of Asian Pharmaceutical Associations

    13. 2024

      Poster Finalists Award (Graduate Student, Hyun Jin Han), 30th Congress of the Federation of Asian Pharmaceutical Associations

    14. 2024

      Best Oral Presentation Award (Graduate Student, Hyun Jin Han), the Fall Conference the Korean Association of Health Technology Assessment

    15. 2024

      Outstanding Poster Presentation Award (Graduate Student, Jiyeon Lee), The Spring International Convention of the Pharmaceutical Society of Korea

    16. 2024

      대한민국학술원 우수학술도서 선정(저술: 보건의료 빅데이터 연구방법론)

    17. 2023

      Certificate of Commendation (규제과학 발전 공로 표창장), The Minister of Food and Drug Safety in Korea

    18. 2023

      Best Research Award (장려상) (Graduate Student, Yejin Kim), 2023년 규제과학 연구 우수논문 경진대회, The Korea Regulatory Science Center

    19. 2023

      Outstanding Poster Presentation Award (Graduate Student, Semin Jang), The Fall International Convention of the Pharmaceutical Society of Korea

    20. 2023

      Best Oral Presentation Award (Graduate Student, Hyuna Yoon), the Spring Conference of the Korean FDC Regulatory Science Association

    21. 2023

      Outstanding Oral Presentation Award (Graduate Student, Miryoung Kim), The Spring International Convention of the Pharmaceutical Society of Korea

    22. 2022

      Best Oral Presentation Award (Graduate Student, Kyungseon Choi), the Fall Conference of the Korean Association of Health Technology Assessment

    23. 2022

      Best Student Poster Research Presentation Award (Graduate Student, Hyuna Yoon), International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) Europe Conference

    24. 2022

      Best Poster Award (Graduate Student, Oh Jinsol), the Fall International Convention of the Pharmaceutical Society of Korea

    25. 2022

      Best Poster Award (Graduate Student, Miryoung Kim), the Spring International Convention of the Pharmaceutical Society of Korea

    26. 2021

      Best Oral Presentation Award (PostDoc, Siin Kim), The Fall International Convention of the Pharmaceutical Society of Korea

    27. 2021

      Best Podium Award (Graduate Student, Siin Kim), the Fall Conference of the Korean Academy of Social & Managed Care Pharmacy

    28. 2021

      Best Podium Award (PostDoc, Sola Han), the Spring Conference of the Korean Academy of Social & Managed Care Pharmacy

    29. 2021

      Best Poster Award (Graduate Student, Eunji Kim), the Spring International Convention of the Pharmaceutical Society of Korea

    30. 2020

      Yakhak Hoeji Best Paper Award, the Pharmaceutical Society of Korea

    31. 2020

      Best Poster Award (Graduate Student, Sola Han), the Spring International Convention of the Pharmaceutical Society of Korea

    32. 2019

      Oral Presentation Award (Graduate Student, Hyungtae Kim), The Fall International Convention of the Pharmaceutical Society of Korea

    33. 2018

      Best Podium Award (Graduate Student, Siin Kim), the Fall Conference of the Korean Academy of Social & Managed Care Pharmacy

    34. 2016

      Best Research Award in the area of Claims Database Analysis, National Health Insurance Service

    35. 2016

      Best Podium Award (Graduate Student, Siin Kim), the Fall International Convention of the Pharmaceutical Society of Korea

    36. 2016

      Best Poster Award (Graduate Student, Siin Kim), the Fall International Convention of the Pharmaceutical Society of Korea

    37. 2016

      Best Poster Award (Graduate Student, Hyungtae Kim), the Spring International Convention of the Pharmaceutical Society of Korea

    38. 2016

      Minister of Health and Welfare Award (Graduate Student, Siin Kim), the 40th General Conference of Public Health

    39. 2016

      Best Poster Award (Graduate Student, Hyung Tae Kim), the Spring International Convention of the Pharmaceutical Society of Korea

    40. 2013

      Best Lecturer Award, Yonsei University

    41. 2010

      Best New Investigator Podium Research Presentation Award, International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research 15th Annual Conference

    42. 2010

      Poster Finalist Award, International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research 15th Annual Conference

    43. 2010

      Poster Finalist Award, International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research 4thAsia-Pacific Conference

    44. 2009

      Best Student Podium Research Presentation Award, International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research 14th Annual Conference

    45. 2008

      Poster Finalist Award, International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research 3rdAsia-Pacific Conference

    46. 2008

      Academic Achievement Award, University of Southern California

    47. 2007

      Poster Finalist Award, International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research Annual Conference

    48. 2007

      Poster Finalist Award, International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research Annual Conference

    49. 2007

      Best Podium Presentation Award, Western Pharmacoeconomics Conference

    50. 2006

      Ph.D. Qualification Exam Passed with Distinction, University of Southern California

    51. 2006 - 2008

      Ph.D. Full Fellowship from Takeda Pharmaceuticals, Inc., University of Southern California

    52. 2004 - 2006

      Teaching/Research Assistantships, School of Pharmacy, University of Southern California

  • Research Field

    1. 01.

      Economic modeling to evaluate cost-effectiveness of new treatments

    2. 02.

      Big data analysis to evaluate comparative effectiveness and safety profile between treatments

    3. 03.

      Evidence-based pharmacy research to generate evidence for treatments using systematic review and meta-analysis

    4. 04.

      Health policy study

    5. 05.

      Opioids and Illicit drug use research